Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Allison asks Andrea how to get gum out of clothes.....

I have this stuff called Goo Gone. It gets everything out. I've never tried it on gum dried into clothing but I bet it works. Look for Goo Gone at Walmart, Meijer and just about anywhere. It's good stuff!

I also did a little Google searching and found that some people recommend Lava Soap - apply it to the gum, rub in a circular motion and then rinse. Or, h
ave you tried putting Ice on it and trying to freeze it off? I've heard that works too.

Let us know what works!

Good luck!!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

So what do I think about the 6 week body makeover - as seen on TV thingie? I suppose it could work but I really doubt it.

Eating right & exercising more is the best way to a fabulous, model like body.

Just look at me......NOT!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ask Andrea wants to ask you, my devoted readers, a question....

Don't you wish you had to explain every day that you're not anorexic like movie stars do?

Just wondering.....

Friday, May 05, 2006

The TapeEar asked Andrea how to change the information under About Me on her blog.

TapeEar, when you sign in to your blog and you go to your Dashboard (it's the first screen you hit after you sign in) look on the right hand column. It will say EDIT PROFILE.

Click on Edit Profile and you can go in there and change stuff.

Hope this is what you needed, TapeEar.

Keep those questions comin',

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Kellie wants to know what kind of flowers to put out on her screened in porch this summer.

Kellie, Ask Andrea has the answer!!

You want petunias! They bloom like crazy, don't require a ton of maintenance, come in a million different colors, thrive in shade or sun and give all season blooms.

Plant some petunias in pots or hanging pots and they will spill out over the edge of the pot. Just be sure to pick off the dead blooms. If you want a bushier plant, then pinch back the stems from time to time.

Another option for you is the impatien. I plant these every year by my sidewalk and they get as big as a bush. They are awesome. They prefer more shade than sun but require ZERO maintenance except a good drink of water each night. You can't go wrong with an impatien. They would do great on your screened porch - just enough sun to make them happy but enough shade to help them grow.

Oh but Ask Andrea has more!! The ever popular Vinca. It's a little spikey (grows taller rather than bushier) and again is completely maintenance free. They come in a bunch of colors, mostly pinks and purples. No yellows.

One last suggestion is a good one - and gives you a little more color variety. It's the DAHLIA. It's a happy flower, kind of a cross between a mum, daisy and peony. They get big blooms that keep coming all summer long. They are available in yellows, pinks, purples, orange. They are a great flower for a pot - not hanging. These will require a bit more maintenance - you'll need to deadhead them...meaning when one of the blooms dies off, pop it's little dead head off the stem. More will come but it take a while sometimes for them to re-bloom. I usually plant several of these and hope they bloom in stages. They would do really well on your porch.

I hope these suggestions have helped but if you need more, just let me know. We can always go check out flowers at lunch some time. I LOVE flowers!!!!!


Saturday, April 22, 2006

Kellie says she ordered something for someone in our family ..... she wondered if I would deliver it for her. I say...hey why not go up with me sometime! Everyone would love to see Kellie again, right?

If not, sure I'll deliver it!!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Enn2sp (what does that mean)?

You need to load a pic to your new blog?

First you you click the Add Image icon which is by the spell check in your toolbar. Then you click the browse button and go to the file where you have your picture loaded.
You need to make sure your picture isn't huge...if it is, you'll need to resize it so it's smaller.

Once you pick the picture from the file, click ok. Then back on the blogger screen, select whether you want the picture in the center, left or right side of your posting. Also pick whether you want it to be small, medium or large sized. I usually do medium.

When you've done all that, click UPLOAD PICTURE.

The screen will move and there will be an animated thing that shows you it's loading. When it stops click the done button. Your picure will appear in the box where you were typing.

Hope this helps!!